This is where we will post essential news and website changes.
Meeting Date/Time Changes and Cancellations
Campaign Meeting Changes
Continuing the D&D campaign this summer with David. We want to try to
move the game night to Thursday night at 6:30pm.
We picked up D20 Gamma World and started a post-apocalyptic futuristic sci-fi campaign this year,
Web Changes
This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've
visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.
- 11/2004 Continuing Gamma World Beta campaign
- 7/2004 Racking Relegation D&D campaign
- 5/2004 Continuing D&D campaign
- 3/2004 Dueling Gamma World campaigns started
- 2/2004 The long Dragonstar campaign is finally complete
- 2/2004 Started a 2nd RPG group Gamma Alpha
- 7/2003 "Gaming to Your Eyes
Bleed" event
- 2/2003 New Member page with stats
- 1/2003 New Meeting Day Tuesday
- 12/2002 The Two Towers Night at Mike's
- 11/2002 RPGA Test Campaign Weekend 11/9
- 9/2002 Adding new campaign and link pages
- 8/2002 Applied a new theme with many visual glitches
- 7/2002 Added dynamic GMH Links page
- 2/2002 DragonStar campain
- 10/2001 Added the continuing D&D campaign with the new web theme.
- 9/2001 Added DragonStar campaign details - wrap up of
d20 D&D Campaign
- 8/2001 Added a d20 section and our d20 D&D Campaign
- 7/2001 Added a short story section and additional RPG
- 6/2001 Insane Campaign continues...
- 4/2001 House Rules published
- 4/2001 New players join the group... Greg, David and
possibly Jeremy
- 3/2001 New players join the group mini-Miguel
- 2/2001 Added pictures of past characters and
"Insane Campaign"
- 1/2001 Added Letters to the Editor
- 1/2001 Added links to the latest campaigns
including D&D
- 10/2000 Added a links section and enhanced some of the
campaign pages
- 08/2000 Added new campaign details and goofy character
- 07/07/00 Fixed problems with lost product download sites
03/23/00 Check the Rule adjustments above for Armor
03/21/00 Check out the new mail list under services
this way everyone can keep in contact with everyone else
03/21/00 Check out the new ask me section under services
02/09/00 Check out the new campaign pages and rule
02/03/00 Check out this page for Campaign and Meeting
10/01/99 Just take a look at the Gamma Tools section...
Currently there is no meeting changes to describe.