Role Playing Game Night


Table of Contents

Welcome to our Role Playing Game Night site

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Our Mission

To create a web where our players can gather information about upcoming campaigns and gaming nights.

To create a campaigns that are easy to manage by using Computer Software for Game Masters.  GAMeMAster Helper is our attempt at a computerized aid that helps with many Game master and some Player Character tasks. 

web changes


Spring 2005!!! D20 Insane CampaignNew

4 years ago, the Insane Campaign idea started, we continue it now with the D20 mechanics

  D&D Miniatures information for schedules and upcoming events in the area

D&D Miniatures


Duel of Ages

We purchased the starter set for Duel of Ages and we are now looking for people to play regularly.

Star Munchkins

We will continue playing Star Munchkins and Munchkins on a regular basis between campaigns.


A new game similar to Duel of Ages but with easier and quicker games.


Our Updated Role Playing Game Community Site GO SIGN UP TODAY!

Our new RPG site.  I just created a new community site at where we will start to post our meeting information as well as have a more better place to post our campaign logs, adventure stuff, tools, links and more.  I encourage everyone to register today.  It is a bit rough, but it will get better as I learn more about the .NET community site.  This site will remain while I slowly migrate content to the new site.  Eventually the d20.xocomp url will point to the new site.  If anyone is interested in designing a skin/theme for the site, let me know and I will send you the specs.

NewYou've enjoyed reading our logs.  Now listen to them in mp3.    Some adventure logs now available in Audio form

ASP.NET Web Applications

Campaign Profile

Our group consists of a Game master who has been playing Gamma World since 1980 and D20 since 1998.  The GM has held campaigns for D20, D&D3, Dragonstar, D&D, AD&D, Gamma World, Star Fire, GURPS, Lords of Creation, Traveller, Mega Traveller, Star Frontiers, "Dungeons and Dragons", Farscape, Judge Dredd, and now D20 Mixed.

We often rotate Game Masters to add variety to our group.  We have a D&D 3rd Edition DM, an EverQuest GameMaster, and others help out too.

Some of our players have played Gamma World, others Dungeons and Dragons.  One has played Gamma World, D&D, and even Car Wars.  Some players have never played a role playing game before.

Our primary thread for our players are computer consultants, computer programmers, database administrators, computer technicians, engineers, students, and other computer techies.  We have had some outliers such as a medical student, passport agent, and an attorney.

We currently play every Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30pm - 10:30 pm, we call it RPG Night.

Our campaign rules are based on d20 System with influences from ...  D20, Gamma World, Dungeons and Dragons, D20 Modern, D20 Future, DragonStar, Farscape, Judge Dredd, Traveller, GURPS, Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, Lord's of Creation, Mega Traveller, Star Fire, Star Frontiers, Star Wars, and some other Sci-Fi RPGs.

For more info on what Role Playing Games are like see this link:

Game Master Contact Information  

Local FAX (504) 831-7708
Local Phone (504) 835-7656
Postal address 1705 Woods Dr., Metairie, LA 70001
Game address 1705 Woods Dr., Metairie, LA 70001
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