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Game Master Helper Frequently Asked QuestionsTable of Contents
What is a .NET Smart Client applicationA smart client implies that the application will run via the internet but it actually do the processing on the client pc. The smart client requires a specific setup on a PC. The requirements are as follows: For all practical purposes the application appears and works just like a Windows Forms application but it doesn't have to be installed. It doesn't have the privileges of other installed applications though.
Back to TopHow do I configure my PC for .NET Autodeployed Smart Client applications?Special Requirements for running .NET Assemblies from the Internet you will have to Adjust Security using the .NET Framework Configuration tool.
Back to TopHow do I configure my PC to trust specific GMH.NET Autodeployed Smart Client applications?Special Requirements for running .NET Assemblies from our http://gmh.xocomp.net website you will have to Adjust Security using Internet Explorer Internet Options.
Back to TopHow do I configure my PC for increase permissions for specific GMH.NET Autodeployed Smart Client applications using Zones?To enable these applications to work as designed, you must configure your PC to trust code run from this site. Go to .NET Framework Configuration from Administrative Tools under Control Panel. Select and expand the Runtime Security Policy node in the tree and expand Machine, Code Groups, and All Code nodes. Right Click on the LocalIntranet Zone node and click Duplicate. A new node should appear named Copy of LocalIntranetZone. Rename this to something like XOCOMP GMH Zone. After that right click and hit properties of this new node. Click the Membership condition tab. Change the Condition Type combobox from ZONE to URL. Enter the following URL http://gmh.xocomp.net/* Back to Top |